William and Madeleine’s 1st Dan Black Belt Grading. 27th January 2024

William and Madeleine have both trained with YAKMA for over 11 years. They have been very consistant and enthusiastic students throughout this time. It has been a real pleasure to teach them.
They successfully graded for their 1st Dan Black Belt on the 27th of January 2024.
Their grading was very tough but they kept their spirits up throughout and both did outstanding performances. I couldn’t be happier for them.
Alex and Maddie successfully grade for 1st Dan Black Belt
4th September 2021

It’s been a long time since Alex and Maddie started training with us. They are the first children to grade through to Black belt with YAKMA and I’m so pleased and happy for them and their parents.
There’s a saying that “If you want to do something you’ll find a way and if you don’t you’ll find an excuse” Both Alex and Maddie have a very wide range of activities that they have been massively successful in. Many times they’ve had to juggle their timetables but have always found time to train.
They have trained hard through Covid attending many of our Zoom sessions as well as training together at home.
Both Jules Clarke and Keren Bielby-Clarke have been fantastic parents, knowing the balance between encouraging them to train on the very rare occasions when they weren’t in the mood and putting the brakes on when they needed recovery time.
It was a gruelling grading for them today designed to test their spirit as well as their skill and knowledge but they kept going and put in a brilliant performance. I couldn’t be happier for them.
Chris Dexter acheives 1st Dan Black Belt. 8th June 2019

What a fantastic day, Chris Dexter put in a tremendous performance to get his 1st Dan black belt. 8th June 2019
Chris previously acheived his 1st keup in karate but had to quit due to a knee injury. He later continued his martial arts journey by joining YAKMA many years ago. He has put an amazing amount of effort into his training for Black Belt and it showed through today.
YAKMA HapKiDo certified as a Children’s University Learning Destination
I am both proud and excited to announce that on the 25th of March 2022 YAKMA HapKiDo became a Certified Children’s University Learning Destination.
Children enrolled through their schools can now visit our club to gain credit points towards their CU awards.
We know that children who thrive in school and in later life develop their confidence, aspirations and love of learning from the skills, characteristics and passions they develop both in and beyond the classroom.
This scheme rewards students for attending extra curricula activities
Rotherham CU, encourage children and young people from the age of 5 to try new learning experiences in and outside of school; at breakfast,lunchtime and after school clubs and in their own time,in the local library, museum or further afield.
Culminating in an inspirational graduation ceremony, this learning adventure gives children and young people the opportunity to enrich their childhoods, nurture a lifelong love of learning, unlock their skills and talents and develop their aspirations and confidence
regardless of their backgrounds.

Alex and Maddie have been students at YAKMA for many years and have gone from strength to strength. Through their consistent hard work they have become very accomplished martial artists. They successfully completed their 1st keup gradings on the 10th of June and both put in outstanding performances. Well done Alex and Maddie next stop Black belt

Madeleine has been a student of YAKMA for many years. She successfully graded for her 1st keup on the 1st of July 2020. Madeleine’s next grading will be for 1st Dan Black belt. Madeleine is a very hard working and skilled martial artist. Her kicking skills are a force to be reckoned with as I’m sure many of her sparring partners will testify to. As the grading was done online we don’t have a picture of Madeleine with her certificate so here is one of her receiving her Brown belt in December 2018. Very well done Madeleine.

Black belt candidates
Following the recent online gradings, Black belt candidates William and Carl are joined by Alex, Maddie and Madeleine. All five of them have been with YAKMA for over 7 years and are a testament to what can be acheived with hard work and and tenacity. Congratulations and best wishes to all of you. Keep up the good work.